CIT Trucks Winter Additives

Prepare your fleet for the winter chill with our specially curated Winter Fuel Additives, now on sale throughout December at CIT Trucks. Formulated to prevent fuel gelling and improve cold-weather performance, these additives are essential for maintaining optimal engine efficiency during the colder months. Take advantage of our December promotion and ensure your trucks are ready to conquer the winter challenges with CIT Trucks’ discounted Winter Fuel Additives.

Winter Treatment

Starting at $ 2
  • Availability: In-Stock
  • Sale Prices Valid: 11/1/23 - 11/30/23
Part Number:Description: Price: 
103060HOWES DIESEL TREAT 64 OZ. $                               11.95
103062HOWES DIESEL TREAT 32 OZ. $                                  7.95
PSVC1026POWER SERVICE  26 OZ. $                                  7.75
PSVC1064EL FUEL SUPPLEMENT +CETANE BOOS  – 64 OZ $                               13.25
PSVC8026911 DIESEL THAW  – 26 OZ $                                  7.99
PSVC8064DIESEL 911  – 64 OZ $                               15.95
563232 Oz. Bottle Air Brake Antifreeze $                                  2.25
56011 Gal. Jug Air Brake Antifreeze $                                  9.50
20263232 Oz. Bottle Bio-Diesel Fuel Treatment $                                  7.75
20203232 Oz. Bottle Diesel Fuel Treatment $                                  5.50
20213232 Oz. Bottle Winter Thaw $                                  5.99
2021011 Gal. Jug Winter Thaw $                               18.95
10003232 Oz. Bottle Year-Round Diesel Fuel Conditioner $                                  5.95

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